Trademark Law

Protect and Monetize Your Trademarks and Other Intellectual Property

We provide comprehensive U.S. trademark law services to our clients in the United States and around the world.

Our services include:

  • Trademark applications;
  • Office action responses;
  • Trademark monitoring;
  • Trademark change of ownership;
  • Trademark renewal filings;
  • Trademark opposition proceedings;
  • Trademark cancelation proceedings;
  • Trademark licensing and assignment agreements;
  • Trademark clearance searches; and
  • Madrid Protocol (international trademark) applications.

Ready to begin the process of applying for a registered U.S. trademark? Click here to start the process of filing a U.S. trademark application by submitting information confidentially for our review. Then we’ll contact you to schedule a free consultation and discuss the possibilities. There’s no obligation to proceed or upfront payment required.

Not sure if you should apply for a registered U.S. trademark? Click here to l Save earn about The Top 10 Benefits of U.S. Trademark Registration.

Update: As of August 19, 2019, foreigners cannot file U.S. trademark applications without a licensed U.S. trademark lawyer. To learn more about U.S. trademarks for foreigners, click here.

We also assist our clients with:

  • Copyright applications;
  • Domain name protection and monetization;
  • DCMA takedown notices;
  • Intangible asset management; and
  • Copyright licensing and assignment agreements.

Contact us today to protect and monetize your trademarks, copyrights, and other intellectual property!

Trademark Law